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Frequently Asked Questions
Mulch aids in the retention of moisture and can prevent weed germination. Mulch also insulates the soil from heat in summer months and cold temperatures in the winter. When mulch is applied around plants, it helps to modify the soil’s environment and enhance plant growth.
First, decide which color of mulch is needed for enhancing your landscape and fits your preference. Non dyed mulches are prone to fade faster than dyed mulches, depending on the amount of direct sunlight.
Our mulch products are not chemically treated. The dyes used on our mulch are non-toxic, very similar to high intensity food coloring.
One cubic yard is a three dimensional cube that measures three feet long and three feet tall.
Yes, our dyed mulches are only dyed using a food grade non toxic dye.
Studies have shown that termites are no more attracted to mulch than they are to rock or stone used in a landscape setting. Care should be taken to keep mulch away from direct contact with the foundation of a house. It is actually the moist conditions that mulch creates that attract termites, rather than the concept that the mulch is being used as a food source.
Mushrooms/fungus grow from excess moisture and heat, along with spreading mulch too thickly. Raking mulch to allow aeration can help dry out the mulch.
Yes, dyed mulches require 24-48 hours of drying time after spreading to fully cure the dye. We highly encourage not to spread the brown or black dyed mulch prior to rain.
Typically dyed mulch will maintain its color for one or two seasons, depending on the amount of direct sunlight.